I brought home some brand new bath toys. So decided to do the honors and give the kids their bath. They were so excited. I ran the water, threw the kids in the bath and started to add the toys. I looked down, said, "Uh Oh, who pooped in the tub?" It was Dilly. He forgot where the poop deck is. I pulled both kids out, put Dilly on the toilet and called Kirsten who helped me clean out the tub. Then as we were cleaning, Rowan was tinkling on the potty. She got off and Dilly added insult to injury and peeed on Rowan and the floor! We finally got the tub and kids cleaned off and put them back in the tub. Well, they had a ball as you can see in these pictures.

This is our nightly game of Mexican Train dominoes. We keep a running tab. Who will win each night, who will win in the end.
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