Rowan said, "OK, we are going to have a really great show!" Kirsten said are you on stage! Rowan said, "No, it's my performing arts center". Without even a thought, she began to sing. "There was a skunk up in a twee and everyone said Pee you! There was a smelly skunk up in a twee, everyone say pee you! Smelly skunk in a twee, pee you!" She holds her nose, sticks out her tush and says Pee you. Dilly makes a face and tried to say pee you. We have seen this performance many times the past couple days.

Dilly is like a sponge, soaking up and repeating everything Rowan does. He stands up beside her with his mic singing his little heart out. The tone of his words are the same, you just can't understand many of his words. He's really good saying "dang do" for thank you and will say "Dang do" "Dang do" over and over till you say you're welcome. He wakes Kirsten up in the morning by getting his, Rowan's and his Mom's clothes out of the drawer. He always gets matching clothes for Rowan. He throws the clothes in his Mom's face as if to say get out of bed you sleepy head! He says NaNa (covers both me and a banana). DaDa covers both his Dad and Papa. He loves the birds and says boi for birds and ni ni for night night. He wants to know the word for everything. Points to everything he sees and hears and is very persistent in wanting you to say the word for it. He loves to hug people and cats. Merlin (Moul) is very patient and tolerates hugs and kisses and an occasional tail pull from both Rowan and Dilly. CC is a scardy cat and terrified of the kids because they get so excited and squeel with glee whenever she shows her face. Tonight Rowan went in to talk to CC to tell her that she is not a monster and CC shouldn't be afraid. CC thinks otherwise and scratched Rowan on her face. Rowan cried and thankfully the scratches were very superficial. It was scary all around at the time.

The smelly performance goes on!

And On and on. The skunk up in the orange twee is smelly, pee you!

These are some of their favorite hats, tupperware. I just got rid of most of my tupperware and plastic storage containers because that new study connecting plastic to an increase in diabetes and heart disease. I now have glass pyrex which can be put in the oven, microwave and dishwasher. Over and out for tonight.
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