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This reminds me of when my sister Diane and I were little. We are 15 months apart. When Grandma and Grampe West came to visit from Australia, Diane and I had to sit one on each of Grampe's knees, just like Rowan and Dilly do with me. Grampe would look at Diane and sing, "Beautiful, beautiful blue eyes, beautiful beautiful blue eyes, beautiful beautiful blue eyes, I'll never love brown eyes again." Then he would look at me and sing, " Beautiful, beautiful brown eyes, beautiful beautiful brown eyes, beautiful beautiful brown eyes, I'll never love blue eyes again." I often think of Diane and I when I see Dilly copying everything Rowan does. I copied everything that Diane did and learned everything from her. Thanks Diane! Rowan and Dilly also have a lot of fun together like Diane and I did. qwerrttyy.we are sending a a kkkkiss to dadddy
we2 are looking at a beetle . I had a little beetle, Alexander was his name, but Nana put my bedebvcxzzxxcvbnnmmqwertyuiop oouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuvytrewqgubbrytotirvito5tbkk
Dilly has said a lot of new words today. He probably doubled his speaking vocabulary in an hour period of time. He said, Jum (jump) , lala (lion-pointing to the lion on his onesey), plese (please, after I said say please Nana) and Wow!. He has been saying baba for baby for sometime. Today was the great leap forward for Dilly in speech.
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