Rowan painting her townhouse.

Rowan was very serious about the painting of her house. She wanted white shutters.

Look at that smile. Dilly wanted to paint Rowan's house.

They were covered with so much paint at the end that they had to run around in the grass to dry the paint, then their Mom partially washed them in the outside tub. Then they went inside and had to take a bath with the sewer roaches! Kirsten called up her Dad and said there are long cockroach feelers coming out from the overflow drain in the bathtub. What should I do? He wisely said, wait till Carol gets home she will know what to do. So, the kids took a bath under the watchful feelers of our friendly resident cockroach. Brave, huh. I got home took the overflow drain off, coaxed those evil roaches out and killed 3 large sewer roaches with Kirsten's shoe. We decided to leave their dead bodies for Jules to pick up and throw away because the rule is: if I kill the bug I don't have to pick up the dead body. Now, I don't want you to think that we have roaches running all over the house, this is really a rare situation. My worst roach story took place in 1970 or 71, I was taking a shower in our tiny shower when a roach came out of the drain and crawled up my leg. From then on for years I had to keep one eye on the drain when I showered. This was soon after I saw the movie Psycho for the 1st time, so I had to keep my other eye on the shower door to make sure that psycho wasn't sneaking up on me to kill me in the shower! One eye on the shower door, the other eye on the drain made for very speedy showers in those days. In fact, I showered so fast that I didn't get very clean till I borrowed my Dad's artifical eye, set it outside the bathroom door to guard against Psycho! My second worst roach story took place when I forgot to keep water in the trap of our little used shower. When I finally remembered I had to kill about 8 of the cuties as they ran out of the drain. I jammed my finger that time and it hurt for about 6 weeks!

This is Rowan's Dilly nap time activity each day. She has paper dolls who are triplets called Annie,Betsy and Carrie. She makes beds for each one out of blocks with bedside tables for their bottles and teddy bears. She makes her Mom speak in whispers for an hour while they sleep. They are actually modern paper dolls with magnetic clothes. Dilly knows that he is not supposed to play with them and helps put them away each day when he wakes up.
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