Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Birds and flowers not bothered by pandemic!

Peach-faced Love Birds
 We are staying home to slow the spread, protecting ourselves by wearing masks when we must go out.  In Arizona we "stay home, stay healthy and stay connected".  I have no idea how we are to increase our physical distancing and be socially connected.   We are supposed to talk on phone or skype.  In my neighborhood we shout across the street to neighbors we see in their yards or walking. However, a good thing is we are getting to know our neighbors better at a 6 foot or more distance.  This works, but it's not the same.  No dancing, no church, no choir! At least with church we have services on livestream. 
We are maintaining healthy habits by keeping 6 feet apart, washing our hands for at least 20 seconds,  staying home, wearing masks, not touching our faces specifically our eyes, nose and mouth, coughing into a mask, tissue or sleeve when out, staying home if sick, going to doctor after calling if you are sick, self isolating if sick, cleaning frequently touched objects with a disinfectant daily, cleaning objects you touched with unwashed hands after you come home.  This is the routine when you come home: wash hands, get a disinfectant wipe (which you probably cannot buy, so use diluted bleach which is probably old and out of date, but you cannot buy bleach anywhere), wipe off anything in car or house you touched before you were able to wash hands, then throw wipe away and wash hands again.  Now you are good to go!  Watch the news for the daily coronavirus update so you know if things are going to get better any time soon!

All of this is exhausting, so I get joy and adventure from the birds, flowers and produce in my garden

I love this picture!

 Somehow, I must fill my home with flowers from my garden.  These are some of my roses in their first blooms of the season right now.  I have given them to many friends and neighbors.  Passing them hand to hand with outstretched arms to keep the required 6 feet distance! The 2nd blooms won't be as large, but will still be beautiful.
The birds above are my Peach faced love birds who came to keep me company while I was washing my front windows.  I stood very quietly and they bravely came back to the feeder.  My birds give me much joy and amusement.  The lovebirds let me know when the feeder is empty by coming to the window and squawking.  They also sing along when I play the piano.   The sparrows and house finches are very persistent and hungry all day as most birds just eat in the morning and evening taking a needed siesta in the middle of the day.  The hummingbirds are very brave and still come to the feeder even if I'm standing right next to it.  I guess they know that I could never catch them no matter how close I am.  They will also come right up and look in the window at me if their feeder is getting on the low side.  The pigeons, morning doves, inca doves and white winged doves are always there to get the left overs from the hanging feeders.  My back yard has a rain chain which is set up to have a slow drip going into the rain barrel from the cooler source (Gary's Birthday present to me last year).  The birds all love this constant source of water. The back yard is the home to the Abert's Towhees who are very industriously pecking for bugs on the ground.  Other birds that come and go on a regular basis are the Gila Woodpecker, Curved bill thrasher, Mockingbird, White Crowned Sparrow, Lesser Goldfinch, Long Tailed Grackle and Gambel's Quail.   They all have their own calls and personalities and bring much joy to me!
Roses from my garden turned black and white
Cut Nasturtiums from my garden

Sage and Choc mint to dehydrate in microwave
Building legos with gears, fun fun!

Actually hanging my laundry on line!

Harvesting seeds for next yr these are Nasturiums

A friendship succulent from Thelma Wilson who is long gone to heaven

Peaches ripening

Apricots ripening
Many of my plants are from family and friends.  I list just a few.  I have Paper-whites from my Grandmothers downtown apartments, Snow peas from the Sings, Violets, irises and others from my Mom, succulents from Denise, Calla Lilly from a choir member, Cactus from Mary and Connie,  Trumpet vines from the Orcutts and a white Amaryllis from Rev. Tate.  He brought it to my Mom when we moved out to S.Phx in 1952!  
Flowers of Yellow Aloe and Mother of Millions

A sweet spot to sit and enjoy the garden

A self start lettuce from last year seed scattering

Hollyhock in my veg garden

I planted various kinds of squash from harvested seeds and watermelon

My juicing setup with towels to catch splatter
Here's the juicer at work

My new freezer almost filled with juice to last year

These are my pets, my worms!

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Nestled at home amid pandemic

My Life at Home

This is a very hard time for the world trying our best to keep this horrible Covid-19 corona virus at bay. It is a family and neighborhood time. We are supposed to stay home except to go to the store once a week, to the pharmacy for necessary drugs or doctor appointments.  Everything is canceled or has switched to virtual, zoom or livestream.  I miss seeing friends at church, choir, DBE, knitting, lunch bunch, and ballroom dance.  I normally am like a social butterfly, always going here and there.  Well I'm staying at home, I even stopped going to the store because I'm trying to protect my Mom who is 96.  She lives around the corner and I visit her every day.  I worried about her getting sick if I would get it and not be aware at first.  Ryan, bless him is now doing shopping for all of us.   I share my vegetables with my neighbors instead of choir members.  I pick flowers and take them to neighbors passing them arms length so we can be sure to be at least 6 feet apart.  I'm trying to do home school science at a distance as Faye doesn't think we should be together that close.  I gave her the magnet and electrical box so we can still do experiments.  Not as good, but workable.  I have to say that I'm just as busy each day around the house.  I have been enjoying my yard, making jam, juicing oranges, making masks and cleaning out shelves.
I'm making masks for nurses at Maricopa County Hospital
Jules Magnet box I put together
Electrical box for home school experiments

Nasturtiums from my garden

My Roses

Peace rose from WW2

Orange zest

Bob's very cherry 3 berry Jam
 This jam has a story.  Bob was our family yard guy for years and years.  Mom and I visited him when he was sick.  He said, go over to my apartment and take anything you want out of the freezer.  So I got mostly frozen fruit and many frozen cherries.  I told him I would make jam and bring him some.  He, sadly died before I could do so.  However, I made jam using cherries and several other berries.  It is so, so delicious.  Jules named it "Bob's very cherry 4 berry jam" and the name continues in his memory.  This time I used only 3 kinds of  berry's,  cherries, blueberries and strawberries. 
My new system for making sure that I use all my canned goods before they become outdated!
White Iris

Snow Peas and white onion bulbs

We have had a lot of rain this spring.  This was a double rainbow

Now I must go back in time and see what happened in the Fall of 2019

Well I would but can't seem to upload pictures from my computer.  The pictures above are all from my phone and it was really easy to do.  So, I'm going to post this and try again another day.  Time for a cup of tea!

 World War 2 War Brides Reunion in San Diego

  The War Brides group is getting fewer, but they are still mighty!  They have great stories and really great voices as they belt out the old songs.  Mom is always a big hit as she does the hand motions to Waltzing Matilda!  I made a video of her, but couldn't figure out how to load it.  We always have activities in the area.  We went on a tour of the USS Midway which was so amazing and interesting.  If you go to San Diego you should definitely tour it.  We went to Catalina Island so Mom could sit on the beach and stick her toes in the Pacific Ocean, the same ocean that is on the east coast of Australia where she grew up.  She loved it!

Standing in front of the kiss sculpture and and USS Midway


Sweet WW2 ladies, part of the greatest generation!


Kelsea, Philip, Romey, Archer and Beckett visit in October!

Singing Happy Birthday to Gary

Gary blowing out candles as you can see he's 2
We of course went to Carolinas for Mexican food

 MacAlpines for Ice Cream

 Carolinas and MacAlpines Soda Fountain are a family tradition!  Carolinas is a little hole in the wall in the hood and still only has evap cooling.  It has the best Mex food and you can't beat the service which is self!  MacAlpine Diner and Soda Fountain was a favorite of Phoenix Union High School when my Dad grew up in Phoenix.  It was the only high school and the only soda fountain at the time.  It's still a favorite with our family.  We took the kids to RiverView Park to climb on the amazing structures.  All the kids including Philip had fun climbing!  They also spent time in Flagstaff and northern AZ.  It was so amazing to have them here and the time went entirely too quickly.  They got a AirBnB half way between Mom and I so it was perfect!  Love you guys!!