Saturday, June 14, 2008


Dora, Airah and Aubree
Bailey, Peter and the Wiggles dog (what is his name?)
Sean and his girls. He is such a great Dad.
Katie Koala, Aubree and Airah

The girls really wanted to go to a water park and amusement park. Dreamworld was just the ticket, right next door is the water park which Sean took the girls to today while we went to the Sunshine Coast (North of Brisbane). The Gold Coast, Surfers Paradise and various amusements are South of Brisbane on the coast. Dreamworld is Australia's answer to Disneyland. I think that in the aboriginal culture the dreamworld refers to remembering the creation of the earth, plants, animals and man. I suppose that is why it was named Dreamworld. I don't know if the aboriginies are upset about the commeralization of their religion. Anyway, we had fun. Sean, Peter, Bailey and Abrey rode rollercoasters and various other scary stomach turning rides. We all rode on tamer rides and just generally had a great time.

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