We took the train from Indooroopilly to the river where we then took the city cat into the city. The city cats are fun transportation on the Brisbane River. They leave about every 1/2 hour and get you from place to place pretty quickly. The Brisbane River is wider than our biggest rivers (such as the Colorado) in Arizona. To me it seems about as wide as the Mississipi.

This is a school group going to a museum in the city. Note that all the kids are wearing those sun protection hats like we are thinking of allowing the kids at #1 to wear. All the school groups wear these hats in their school colours and names.

Mum and Uncle Laurie looking good!

Start of a rain forest walk next to the river.

I almost got run over by a speeding bicyclist taking this picture. I was stradling the line, a little confused about walking on the left instead of right and he was passing someone. He yelled and I quickly jumped out of the way or would have been a flat on my butt. I love the light reflections on the river.
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