Definitely closer than 6 feet, hugs during home school |
I am busy at home, just finished juicing oranges 2 days ago, almost finished using or freezing all my apricots, ready to start on my peaches, next will be Mom's apple tree crop. Things are opening up in Arizona with many restrictions. Social distancing (Stay away! Don't touch! Don't shake hands! Most of all don't hug!) well I have issues with this since I like hugs! It's even more confusing for those of us 65 and above.
I want more information! How many people who are 65 and above, are healthy and get this virus end up in ICU, how many die? So far can't find stats. They should be available! However, I did find this guideline for those 65+. Stay home and self isolate if you are frail: F (Are you consistently fatigued?), R (How resilient are you - example can you easily climb a flight of stairs?), A (How aerobic are you?- example can you quickly walk around the block?), I (How many chronic illnesses or diseases do you have?), L (Loss of weight, unless you are overweight and need to loose). If you answer yes to 3 or more be very careful and self-isolate. If you score 1, take care but you don't have to self isolate. The more I read it's about
how healthy you are, not how old you are. And yes, I know at 71 and healthy I should be sensible, but I can do some things especially if they are in the open air. I better hurry with with open air stuff because soon it will be very hot in Phoenix! Talking about hot, I went to the chiropractor and they took my temperature when I walked in. Well, it was 100! A few minutes later it was 99.5. I realized that I drove my Mom's car which was sitting in the sun and so I got hot cause the AC didn't have time to cool off since the office is so close. Lesson learned,
don't drive a hot car to a medical appt!
Now the next conundrum! My Mom is 96 and healthy. I have been her only contact with the outside world. However, she still lives in her own home, can wander in her yard and ride her bike around the block. When can I invite her to dinner at my house if Gary or my son Ryan are here? They are both still working, so she has only seen me and neighbors at a distance since this started. I think she should be lonely with only me to visit, but she says no. "I'm my own best friend," she says. I think I'll wait a couple weeks, and if AZ opening goes well, then take her on a field trip to Whitfil nursery to look at the plants. What do you think?
My sweet Mom, tried to find a picture of her riding her bike but couldn't find it |
I have Jules one day a week again and we are so happy! We concentrate on science, sometimes also learning about history on important days. Some of our recent topics were: electricity (static and circuits), magnets, robots (she made a soda can Robug) and learned about rovers on Mars, bacteria (we grew our own on agar), celebrated the 75 anniversary of VE day, crystals, chemistry and physics!
Slime Chemistry and Fun |
Is this Jules or an elephant? |
Lemon Volcano |
Endothermic reaction take in energy resulting in a temp drop |
We built our own volcano under the fruit trees. We made a mud volcano around a glass filled with water, baking soda, paint and dish soap. Then we added vinegar for the explosion. A real volcano would be an exothermic reaction, but this baking soda and vinegar is endothermic
Mixing mud |
Making the volcano |
Exploding volcano! |
We learned about bacteria and how they fit into Linnaeus's system of organizing all living things (Keep Ponds Clean Or Frogs Get Sick- stands for Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species). It is one of 5 Kingdoms that's called the prokaryotes (bacteria and blue-green algae). Gary brought us agar plates, we streaked them and we grew all kinds of interesting stuff
Our VE day celebratory Tea |
Victory in Europe London May 8 1945 |
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