Kirsten, Rob, Rowan and Dylan have spent the last 9 days with us in Phoenix. They live in India and we haven't seen them for a year. One of their first nights here were spent at Faye and Javier's house playing with, "my cousins, they boys" as Rowan calls them. She walked into the door in one of her rare shy moments, hiding behind my legs. We walked into the boys room, they showed Ro and Dil how to play pool and the shyness was gone in about a minute. From there it was rough and tumble fun and games all evening.

Ro and Dilly with Papa. A quick update on Jules: He finished radiation yesterday (Friday) and had his last weekly Chemo on Thursday. The day Kirs et.al arrived (May 20) he was supposed to have chemo, but his counts were too low (platelets). I drove him to radiation and chemo that day because he was dizzy, went to school a little late, left to pick up the kids from the airport, dropped them at home and returned to school. I would have gotten a sub, but alas, none was available. It always takes about an hour to get the blood work results back before they start chemo, so I just dropped him off thinking he would be there all day. As it was they gave him some fluids which helped him feel somewhat better. Mainly he is just energyless and feeling washed out. However, the timing of having to miss one chemo was perfect. He was able to enjoy their visit. They will do another ultrasound in about a month and Dr. McBride (radiation) will decide what's next. He goes back to chemo in 2 weeks and we will see what they say. Right now we are on hold and happy for it. The kids left today,but we had a great visit. I will put more pictures up in the next day or so.

Niko teaching Dilly how to fight with foam padded swords

Niko teaching Rowan how to fight. Notice the fancy leg movements. Later in the evening Maceo was playing hide and seek in a dark room with them resulting in many delighted squeals.

This is Rowan with her sting ray. She got to touch a real sting ray at the aquarium in Salt Lake City and was very proud.
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