The kids and grandkids left last Saturday to fly back to India. It was a short (9 days) but very sweet trip. We mostly just did things together close by. Family get togethers, playing in the irrigation, sailing boats in the ditch and hanging out. Quote from Dilly (after going potty by himself), "I tan do anything! I am strong! I tan even fight dinosaurs!

Kirsten and Rowan, picture taken by Niko who has quite the camera eye. He always gets great shots!

Kirsten and Dilly

Another hug for little brother and big sister.

Kirsten, Rob and Grandma Coral at Faye and Javier's house.

Back to Julian and an update. He had treatments the whole time they were here, but he was still able to spend time with them around the house. We saw both doctors in the past 2 weeks and they both say that he is done with treatments at least till the end of June maybe longer. He will have more tests at that time and they will decide then. They were all very pleased about how well he tolerated having both radiation and chemo at the same time. He's tough, I tell you. His WBC counts especially are low now, but his bone marrow will slowly build them back up. He still is very tired and has postural dizzyness. We think that he's a little better each day, but it's slow. Eating is a struggle. He's able to eat, but I can give him 5 or 6 choices and get maybe one that sounds good. The radiation people tell us that it will still be working fight the cancer cells for 2 weeks after the last treatment. Of course it's hilarious how each doctor thinks that the other doctor's treatment is the worst and causing the most problems. There was a cartoon in the Sunday funnies today that was very appropriate to the doctors working together (or not!). Dr. McBride and Dr. Kukkonoor talk about having philosophical discussions about the best treatment.

We are trying to keep our sense of humor with all this. We really appreciate your prayers and cards. Thanks so much!
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