Here's Jules on Saturday the worst day of his week. He looks good, huh. He gets washed out over the weekend after chemo on Thursday. He has 2 more weeks of radiation. Eating is getting a little more difficult, but he is still eating. I made him power bars (I can give out the recipe if you like). I made up the recipe, wrote it down cause I knew that I wouldn't remember what I put in them. There were about 30 or so bars and there are now only 2 left. I guess they are good. He sometimes has popcorn for dinner. Pretty much eating whatever sounds good to him or that he thinks he can get down, concentrating on high carb, high protein, high calorie.

He decided to clean out the rain gutters and trim the Palo Verde tree in the morning. After resting and watching the horse race which took about 3 hours for a 2-3 minute race, he cleaned off the patio in the afternoon.

Not bad for feeling washed out. I guess it's called mind over matter, guts, bravery, toughness

This is Merlin soon after he and I took our morning shower. A little scraggly, but clean! I'm trying to break him of the habit of drinking out of the toilet bowl, but not because I'm worried about him getting sick from it. Did you know that there are many, many more germs on desks than on toilets? Toilets tend to have less germs because we wash them more often than most desks, or pens, or phones. So why, do you ask am I trying to break him from drinking out of the toilet? Because he puts his front paws into the toilet water as he drinks and leaves cat paw prints around the house. Sounds cute maybe to a cat lover, to have cute little cat paw prints around the house. Maybe it would be cute if they were painted on and not adding to my dirty house!

This is Faye and Javier, Niko, Nathan and Maceo. Jeremy is 16 now and doesn't always go on trips, you know how teenagers are. His friends are around his Mom's house so he spends more time there. Anyway this is the family that Baby Jules (Juliana) is due to join the end of July. Can you picture those boys holding her, baby sitting, changing diapers? They will probably have long conversations about wet burps, vomit and poop.

Faye's surprise baby shower at school. It was very sneaky and she had no idea they were planning it.

She got so many cute little girl clothes!

Faye and I at the shower.
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