Kirs, Rob, Rowan and Dilly were here from India in mid May. I took 5 days off school! We had a great time doing fun kid things. We went to the Children's Museum which was like old home week because this was one of their favorite stomps when they were staying with us last fall. We went to the Train park in Scottsdale. Here Dilly and his Dad are riding on the carousel. He wasn't sure he liked it at first, but he did ride it twice, so I guess it grew on him.

This was a train museum which was an engine and train cars used by 4 different Presidents. Dilly was very upset because we left this big train w/o it going anywhere. This is a hand cart in the museum.

Rowanisms: I need to wash my hands I was rubbing woshin (lotion) on them. When spitting at Dilly while saying "Swiper no swiping" (3 times like Dora the explorer says), Kirsten says, I don't think Dora does that! Rowan says, " Well I do!" Being a pirate, "tiber me shimbers".

Dillyisms: Oh, tay! DaDa let's dough! MaMa hold lellow parpar (parrot). DaDa, wide (ride) twain. RoRo dak my base (Rowan take my space). HaHa gan now (Hungry again now). TeTe TaTa (teeter-totter). Cincinlela (Cinderella)
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