Monday, June 3, 2013

Garden Tour

Susan (neighbor), Mom and I with fresh eggs
Most houses had chickens
We  went to the Arcadia Garden Tour about a month ago.  We toured many beautiful vegetable gardens in front and back yards.  Many people in our area have chickens for their own eggs.  Some people also had a lot of fruit trees and grape vines.  We saw many beautiful and productive yards, enjoyed the chickens and goats! 

Tomatoes are a challenge.  Best to put them in January or earlier in a pot which you can move to protect from frost.  Once it reaches 95 or so they don't set fruit anymore and they tend to burn up over the summer.  The rewards are great.  Mom has a lot of cherry tomatoes now and I am starting to get small tomatoes that are heavenly. I also had a great apricot crop this year and currently have peaches. 

Several people had vegetable gardens in their front yards

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