Thursday, March 29, 2012

Noel, Holly and Little Julian Visit

I am going back to the beginning of this month when Noel, Holly and Julian were visiting.  It was wonderful, hectic and truly a blessing having them here.  I hadn’t met Holly and little Julian before, so that was really fun.  Holly is delightful and loves my front yard birds especially the love birds & hummingbirds and the oranges which are so sweet right now.  Julian is a busy, busy 22 month old.  He and Jules are very close in age and are about the same size. 

 Sharing toys was a challenge for them, but they learned fast (mostly).  They were both into playing “nite, nite”, which is hilarious since Julian will do anything to avoid taking a nap or actually going nite, nite at night!  He doesn’t want to miss any action.  However, after talking to Noel after they got home, he said that Julian slept all the way home, even when they took him off the plane in Phili or wherever it was, had a 2 hour layover and got on the new plane, still sleeping.  That was really a blessing for them and for everyone on the planes. We had family gatherings which was great because I haven’t had family en mass here since the gathering after the funeral. 
Noel, Julian (wearing Jules hat), Carol, Jules (wearing Julian's hat)

Grandma Coral, Julian and Holly
Artists at work
Story time
What do you think, like the hat?
Noel and Julian at Piano
Nathan teasing Jules over BooBear

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