Look at my parrots. Well they are not my parrots because they are wild. They belong to no one. They are wild and free, can go where ever they want but choose to spend some time in my yard. They are chatty and funny and put smiles upon my face, which is always a good thing. I have to decide if I will keep my job and continue to fight the district about my job title, job description and my worth. "It's not personal", you understand, that they don't feel they need a nurse at each school. I'm watching "You've got mail" as we speak and Joe just told her that it's not personal that he forced her out of business. She said it may not be personal to you, but it is to me and many other people also. That's exactly how I feel. We were going to go to Flagstaff this weekend, but I was so drained and tired after Friday that we didn't go. I just needed time to breathe. I had a boy come into my office, walking and talking with a heartrate of 220. Well it took him a while to get up to that rate and our Principal told him that it was because of the cute female paramedic who responded to my 911 call or rather my non 911 call. His BP dropped and his heartrate kept slowly going up and his pulse was about 1/2 of his heartrate. I called 911 and all I got was a busy signal. Well I have the number of Firestation #17 which is cattywhampus across the street from the school. So I called them and they came. Thus they responded to my Non 911 call. They thought he was fine because by the time they arrived his blood pressure was better because I had him in trendelenburg and they took his pulse and it was normal. I was on the phone with his Mom and the paramedic asked to talk to her. He said, "I think he is OK". Then after they connected him up for an EKG they finally realized that his heartrate was 180 and going up, pulse was still normal. Paramedics never think to use their stethescope and listen. I felt vindicated because the paramedics reached their conclusion too fast. By the time he headed to ER his heartrate was 220 and going up. The untrained aides that they are putting in our schools wouldn't have recognized what was happening (the plan is an RN and aide for every 2 schools). So something like this had better happen when the RN is there or the outcome may not be as happy.

Aren't they wonderful!
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