My sister Diane and Bill graced us with their presence this weekend. How's this picture for happiness and contentment? We had so much fun! We rode the light rail to downtown and ate lunch out on a patio on a crowded downtown Phoenix street. Who would have thunk it! We have seen crowds on game nights, but this was Good Friday at noon. Anyway it was fun to see and I wished my Dad was there to enjoy it with us. He spent most of his life either growing up or working in downtown and would love the changes.

I told Diane that our visit to the Chahuly exhibit and butterflys at Desert Botanical Gardens would be so amazing that it would blow them away. They said that we would just have to put rocks in our pockets. So, with rocks in our pockets and joy in our hearts we visited the gardens.

We had dinner with Faye, Javier and the boys on Thursday. We ate outside on the patio, a pre Easter gathering, food and company were great. The boys ran around outside fighting, chasing before dinner typical 4 boys. After we ate we moved inside to visit. Jeremy was bored, Nathan, Niko, Maceo and Faye played with leggos.
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