Comedy of errors!

Well yesterday was a great day, it just had a frustrating ending. Yesterday I went to the gym at 5am (impressing huh), went to work, came home, called Faye. She came over and walked with us in the neighborhood. Then she had dinner with us. Then Faye and I played "Possum" (she flute, me piano). We measured her car and put a glass outside table top into her car. Then it was time for me to go to choir practice. I went outside, got into my car, backed up. I can't believe I did this, I had just said goodby to Faye, gave her a hug, walked outside to my car and proceeded to run right into the side of her car! I went inside, told Faye and Julian what I had done. We all went outside checked out the damage. Faye said, should I move my car? I said, I know it's there now, I won't run into it again. Well, I didn't. Instead I ran into our new fence with my side mirror! I was being very careful not to hit her car again and instead I hit the fence on the other side. I hadn't even had anything to drink! The moral of this story is, Faye said, " I thought as I was pulling up that I should park in the street instead of the driveway." So always listen to that little voice inside of you and maybe your Mom won't run into your car! Thanks to Julian who called the insurance company and arranged all the repair work!
1 comment:
So is that the picture of your car? Where's the picture of Faye's? I want to see the damage! LOL love you, sis. Sorry you had a bad day.
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