Christmas is over with all it's traditions, gatherings and parties. Life returns to normal, such as it is. I have to go to school. I will finish this later. I forgot my google e-mail to sign in so struggled somewhat. Well, I'm back. Just got back from school. Faye is coming over we will all walk together (Julian, Faye, Mom and myself) and Faye will stay for dinner. Family time, how great is that? We are having a Greatest Looser contest between staff teams at school. Wednesday is our official weigh in day. This is our 2nd week. We also had a greatest looser challenge today after school. We had a stair climbing relay. My team (admin) didn't win, but we all had fun.
Yesterday was the Inauguration of President Obama. I didn't vote for him, however, I am thrilled that we have our first Black President. It just goes to show you how far we have come. We still need our first woman president however. I am actually pleasantly surprised that he seems to be moving much closer to the center than his campaign retoric and his voting record indicated. We shall see. Thing are very bad financially over here (this is for my Aussie Rellies). Everyone here knows how bad it is!
I wanted to explain what the above picture is because it is part of our family Christmas tradition. We get these English Christmas Poppers (silver tubes above). Everybody gets one by their plate at Christmas dinner (or brunch as it was this year). After grace we all pull them apart, they make a popping sound (like a pop gun). Inside are silly hats, silly jokes and cute little toys. Most of us wear our hats (crowns) for the rest of the meal or till they break or fall off. Thanks Mom! We love all our English/Australian traditions!

I decided to show you all flowers that are blooming in my yard right now. Above are African Daisies. I really like the dark background of this picture. I have no idea how I did it, so couldn't repeat it if I tried. I know that all the information is attached to the picture, so I could look at the settings, however, I don't seem to have the time.

It is pretty much the end of the roses for the winter season. I need to prune them way back so I will gett more beautiful blooms in the spring.

These Paper Whites line the front of my yard. They come up each winter and are blooming their little heads off right now. These are part of a number of my flowers and bulbs that have sentimental value. These came from my Grandma Cooley. She had them growing at the downtown apartments, passed them on to my Mum who passed them on to me.
These Nasturiums come up each year, some by themselves, some I replant in pots after harvesting the seeds. I love them. The flowers are great to eat, a little sharp or peppery tasting. They make a great colorful addition to any green salad. They are starting to bloom right now and will bloom till it gets really hot. WE are so Blessed! Thanks God!