Whenever we have company in town, we visit Javier & Faye's climbing gym. First of all it is really a fun place to go, we don't feel guilty about eating whatever we want for dinner later and often it is the best way to see Faye and Javier because they are there a lot. Javier and his partners built the gym by themselves, literally. There are bouldering walls(shorter) and climbing walls (taller, up to 30 feet). You need a harness and a belayer (someone who is clamped into the floor). The belayer holds the end of the rope so you can't fall and lets you down after you reach the top. In this first picture, Faye is helping Rowan climb in the kids area. She loved it and decided the tunnel which she could see out of was her house. She had to go through that area many times while we were there. Days later, the night before they were going to leave to return to Puerto Rico, Kirsten said to Rowan, "Do you know what we are going to do tomorrow? Rowan said, "Climb?" I think climbing was a highlight of her trip.

Faye is making sure everyone is safe. Left to right is Star (visiting from Utah), Faye, Crystal, Rob and Alli. The climber and the belayer have to wear harnesses and be clamped and the ropes tied in an exact way.

Dilly says, "What do I do with these ropes?"

Faye is belaying Crystal on her first climb. She was scared, but made it up to the top! Crystal and Alli are step sisters and my nieces. As part of the cheering squad, I told her how on Alli's first climb she cried with fear when she reached the top of a boldering wall. Now that Alli is here all the time she is a really good climber (both boldering and rope climbing). I have suggested that they start a cheer leading squad for people who don't really want to climb. Think of how that would expand the membership roles. Fellow climbers now cheer each other on and offer encouragement and suggestions. They could have chants and cheers such as "put your foot, put your foot higher, higher" , "you see that nut sized hold, it's perfect for your toes" , "stretch your right hand higher, ignore that shoulder fire" or "try that hold over there, make a leap through the air." If you want to find out more about the climbing gym go to