Oh my heavens, it's been almost a year since I've posted anything on my blog! I've been busy obviously, but these small things that brought me joy and have stayed in my heart got me back here before I forget them.
I was in Fry's the other day and was thrilled to have a fireman from PFD bag my groceries. He said that they are on duty for 48 hours straight, so they often volunteer near the station to fill in the time! They can still be there to respond quickly if called! Them I was walking out with my Mom's and my groceries when an older lady shopper was guiding in a short employee who was trying to get a long line of carts back into the store! Both of those things brought a smile to my face and made my day.
Today I was in O'Reily's buying oil and filter for my car when I ran into a parent of one of my old Madison #1 students. She said, are you the nurse at Madison #1? I said, I'm the retired nurse from #1. It was a thrill to see pictues of her son and to hear that he's getting married next weekend!
Cotton fields in South Phx |
I often get a glimpse of the old South Phoenix when I take Mom to SMLunch Bunch. Here are some cotton fields and a view of Phoenix with fields in the fore ground.
Cactus that bloom in a pot in my front yard each year |
These cactus bloom once or twice each year. They come and go very quickly so I have to be on the lookout! So Beautiful!
Christmas 2018

Here are some pictures of our celebration of the birth of Christ. It was nice enough to have Christmas dinner outside this year. Although you can tell by the coats on some people that it was a little chilly by the time we ate! I was slipping up and didn't get a group picture of everyone! What's wrong with me????
Mom |
Our paper crowns are a British tradition from the Christmas Poppers. They are a tube wrapped with fancy paper. When you pull the 2 sides apart it makes a pop sorta like the old cap guns we had as kids. Inside you find a silly hat, a bad joke and a toy that is also pretty lame. However, we all love them and couldn't have Christmas dinner without our "Poppers". Here we are wearing our silly hats!
Gary |
Faye |
Ryan with hat on a hat and Paul |
Javier |
Jules |
March was busy! Bailey visited, Union Jack Chapter of DBE had our Garden Tea and Mom and I attended the DBE state Luncheon.
Bailey will graduate from college in May and she already has a job! Well done! We had lots of fun and enjoyed Bailey |
Union Jack Garden Tea at Cindy's house
This was a fundraiser for the British Home, Pawsitive Friendships and AZ Friends of Foster Children
My sweet Mom! |
Union Jack members and some of our volunteers |
Hats, Tea, Scones, Sausage Rolls and socializing equals good time had by all! We earned over $2000 for charity! It's a lot of work, but also fun. I'm Regent of our chapter so am very proud of everybody. I literally ran into a outside metal stair way and sliced my head open when we were setting up. Mary applied a butterfly from Cindy's first aid kit and saved the day.
Connie Larry, Faye and Elisa. I've known Connie and Elisa since ASU days |
Kitchen with all the tea cups set up |
Scone, sausage roll and fresh fruit table |
Raffle table in background. Rita did an awesome job with raffle prizes |
The weather was wonderful, perfect for sitting outside |
Elizabeth, Gail and Sharon sitting with me (taking a needed break) are from my knitting group at church |
The birds in my yard are happy this year because I put up a rain chain which drips water whenI have the cooler running or water from a container on my roof
Peach Faced love birds enjoying the water dripping down chain |
Harris Hawk in our neighborhood |
Curved Bill Thrasher |
Long Tailed Grackle enjoying irrigation |
Not sure who this is maybe a female grackle taking a bath in irrigation |
Gila Woodpecker |
Goldfinch enjoying sunflowers |
Tribute to Bob Dodge
Bob was our family yard guy for years and years, starting in S. Phoenix. He did a great job, always knew not to weed eat my flowers. He finally had to retire, but we kept in touch and he often came for holidays because his kids were all out of town. He was a vegetarian and had freezers full of fruit that he ate. Well, he had to move into assisted living and Mom and I went to visit him. He sent us over to his apartment and said to take all the things we could out of his freezer and garden. So I did and got a bunch of frozen fruit. I told him I would make jam and give it to him. He died soon after in late January. Jules and I made jam using blueberries, strawberries, blackberries and cherries. I would never have thought to put cherries in but there they were from Bob so we made the first batch and boy Oh boy is it ever delicious! Jules named it, "Bob's very Cherry, 4 Berry Jam" and so it will remain. The best jam ever! Thanks Bob!

Bob's jam is the dark jam in the lower left of this picture. The Bible verse John 14:1 is from my Great Grandmother's home in Australia.
South Mtn girls of 66 luncheon
We have met every 3 months since our 50th Reunion
BFF since 7th grade! |
My sisters Diane and Jacki and Larry visit 5-2019

Diane and Addy |
Our cousin Louise Vogel joined us one night---Sweet reunion |
My Grandson Taylor and Stacy adopt baby Cruz
Paxton, Tinley checking out baby Cruz
My wonderful kitty CC passed spring of 2019
As you can tell she loved roses! The minute I would pick some and put them on the counter, she would jump up and start munching on the rose petals. Yum, Yum! She loved to run and jump around the house. She would jump from her "jungle" of house plants in my bedroom to the bed, thus many of my sheets have rips from her claws. She would be right in the middle of whatever I was doing, walking back and forth in front of the computer screen or sitting on top of the paper as I read it in the morning. Needless to say I miss her!!
Knitting, sewing and crochet class for kids at church
Jules & I go to World Wildlife Zoo
Her favorite part was feeding the Lorakeets. They brought me back to feeding the Lorakeets in Australia. We even called my Mom all excited and told her we are feeding Lorakeets in Arizona! I fed them at various zoos on all my 3 trips to Australia. Hum, I will try to find a picture of our last trip.
Bailey with Lorakeets in Australia in 2008 |
Keeping to the Oz theme we saw the kangaroos |
Feeding the gariffe |
Jules with penguins in background |
We went back to feed the Lorakeets a 2nd time. Back by popular demand by Jules at the end of the day. What great fun and so thrilling to see the excitment that she brought to feeding these delightful birds from down under!
Last but not least, my garden!
My garden was pretty prolific this year, possibly because we had higher than normal rainfall last winter and spring. I had massive amounts of snow peas, apricots and peaches. I am still processing the last of my peaches. I just made jam today with my neighbors. Other people helping make jam were Mom, my sisters Diane and Jacki, Faye, Jules, and Addy. I have made apricot and peach quick bread, frozen and dehydrated both for future use, made many dishes and salads and desserts. And of course just ate them and gave them away.
Making peach jam |
Faye and I made marinara sauce with our tomatoes, yummm |
Zesting oranges |
Gary helping to juice oranges |
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