Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mom's War Letters

I have been exploring my Mom's WWII Letters to my Dad. They are fascinating  because she is very descriptive about local Brisbane war activities.  I knew that she sang for the troops and on radio during the war, but had no idea that she usually sang 3-5 days a week, sometimes twice a day!   Below is part of a letter she wrote a couple weeks before they were married.  
July 29, 1943 – I’m getting my dress made by a very clever friend of ours who has a dress shop in town.  She doesn’t usually make them, but will do it for me.  Barbara is going to get a frock from her too.  Probably blue (if possible) that she can wear as an evening frock afterwards, so I somehow think it should be a rather pretty wedding.  I bought a lovely new coat today too, to go with my travelling frock.  I’m rather lucky to get it although it takes 27 coupons, but Daddy doesn’t need many clothes, so is giving me most of his. 
July 30, 1943 - My bridal gown I think will be very lovely, made of satin with an embroidered yoke.  I’m going to have a small veil & if possible natural flowers built up over it. 
Chocolate Wheel at Liberty week stall, Queen Street, Brisbane

July 29, 1943 -Today they had a chocolate wheel for the patriotic fund near the Civic Theatre & were rather short of workers, so I went down to help them in my lunch hour.  I only did three quarters of an hour at it, but it’s certainly hot work.  Although the day was very cool, before long we had shed our cardigans & were in short sleeves, but were still hot.  I guess there were about fifty people round the wheel & I was selling tickets, going from one to the other & they are all wanting them at once, I have never done so much running round in my life.  However, it should be good exercise, in my opinion tennis has got nothing on that game.
While I think of it, don’t forget to bring our permission to get hitched when you come, otherwise they might refuse to do the job.
I will close now.  I love you now & always.  Goodnight dearest, Coral

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