This is Rowan and Biscuit and I. Biscuit had been lost for almost a year. Rowan accidentally left him here last time they visited from India. We have been looking for him since then. Whenever we talked to them Rowan would say, "Nana, Papa, have you found Biscuit yet?" We searched everywhere, in the toy box, in the kitchen cupboards, in the shower in the little bathroom, etc. Kirsten was reading Shel Silverstein's poems to the kids in the guest bedroom one night. All of a sudden, Rowan looked up and spied him on one of the shelves with other treasures. She squealed, jumped up grabbed him and said, " Nana, Papa, I found Biscuit! I knew he was here somewhere. She took care of him for the rest of the time they were here. He even got his own doghouse and Rowan completed her first sewing project and made him a wall to wall pillow (so he wouldn't roll off). Here is Biscuit sitting in the red hand. You can see his wonderful doghouse with balloons over the door. He is very happy to be back with his friend Rowan! Jules fascinated with her cousin Dilly. Dylan is so funny, one time he was rubbing his eyes. He said, "I'm polishing my eyes!" One of the boys took this picture. I like the angle, Jules and I and the tree against the late afternoon sky.
Here we are having afternoon tea. Kirs, Rob and the kids feel right at home having afternoon tea with milk and biscuits since they lived for 2 years in India. My Mom all in pink. She rode her bike over to join us for afternoon tea that day. Then Kirs and Rob took the kids for a ride in the basket of her 3 wheel bike. Faye my beautiful daughter with her daughter Jules Picture of Rob, Rowan and Kirs taken by Dilly. The kids take great pictures. I always make sure that the strap is around their neck and let them go. The weather was great so we got to eat outside
Rowan and Dilly were just thrilled to get to play with, "my cousins the boys". They love the fun, wrestling play. Nathan, Niko and Maceo are very happy to oblige them playing playing, swinging, roughhousing. Niko being attacked by Rowan and Dilly
Look at that smile. She does new things every day. She is crawling and just today Faye said that they looked into her room and she was standing up in her crib for the first time ever! Javier said that when he first stood up in his crib (that was a couple years ago), he landed on his head and was knocked unconscious. His Mom had to call the paramedics! They covered her floor with padded matting so she can crawl and play. This is good since Faye tended to climb and fall and hit her head off and on throughout her childhood also. I wish my floor was padded also. Jules was sitting on the couch between Rowan and Dilly, I was standing right there a small step from the couch because I know how she crawls on Jules and I when we are on the couch. Well, even though I was right there, she fell and hit her forehead on the floor. I felt terrible. She had a bruise and very slight swelling, but no symptoms of a concussion. However, I felt a failure as a Grandmother and certainly learned how quick she is. Jules getting to play with her cousins Rowan and Dilly. Getting to know you! This is Julian's award for completing IV chemo which I talk about below.
We didn't think we would see this day come last Fall, but Julian had his last scheduled IV chemo treatment Feb 17! It had to be put off by one week due to low WBC counts which is a fairly usual chemo side effect. Everything went smoothly. We walked in to smiles and nurses saying, "So, this is your last chemo!" They must feel fairly comfortable after the cancer free PET scan to say that. At the end of the day all the nurses gathered around sang to him, threw confetti in the air and gave him a "Purple Heart Award" certificate saying that he has successfully completed chemotherapy. I especially had looked forward to this little ceremony after seeing others reaching this point. Even with the bad news in the Fall of the cancer showing up in the lymph nodes, that little ceremony gave me hope. The music is to "On with the Show" which is the bugs bunny theme song. The words they sing are: This is it, Today's the day Your final chemo, you're on your way We hope you enjoyed the show On with your life you can go! No more waiting, no more sick No more sighing, no more sticks We'll miss you as you know But may God bless you as you go!
He will still have to take oral chemo, one week on and one week off for 3 months. They will repeat the PET scan in about 3 weeks (every 3 months for awhile). We had a scare last week. He didn't feel well, was having breathing trouble, GI upset and gained 4-5 pounds in a couple days. These symptoms were so like when he had fluid in his abdomen last Fall that he and I were afraid it was happening again. Well, he had an ultra sound and had little to no fluid. We were greatly relieved. Thank you all for your prayers and positive thoughts. We ask for continued prayers that the oral chemo will kill any remaining cancer cells and that Jules will continue gaining weight and get his strength back. God is good and has watched over us, giving us all we need. Blessings
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