Here's Faye with a crown on her head and baby Jules in her belly. Aren't they both so cute? Javier's sisters Letitia and Veronica were the main enthusiastic planners. They made a diaper cake, planned co-ed shower games, headed up the decorations, helped Norma and I and May plan the food etc. Hats off to them. It was a fun, magical evening for all!

Here are a few of the many presents

Niko with his big brother name badge, Mr Tough guy! Brothers, Grandmas, Grandpas, Aunts and Uncles all wore these pretty pink name tags. Nathan and Maceo refused to have their pictures taken with theirs

Faye and Javier's table under the arch with baby toys hanging down.

Overview of the party area at La Casa Gonzalez. This is a great place to have a party and they probably have every family get-together under these trees with magical fairy lights

One of the party games, who can drink lemonade out of a baby bottle the quickest. Javier was disqualified when he took the top off and drank it that way! May and I went to the dollar store before the party and bought prizes for the games, all in pink!

Another of the games the guys had to pretend they are pregnant ( balloons) and lean over and tie their shoes as fast as they can without breaking the balloon. A good time was had by all. We had more food than we could eat and it was all delicious. We were having so much fun. We looked down and it was 9pm so Faye and Javier decided to open all of the presents the next day.