This is my sister Jacki and 5 of her grandkids, Archer, Airah, Aubree, Romey and Bailey. We welcome #6, Julian Vincent Romey!! He is the son of Holly and Noel Romey, born today at 12:22. He weighed in at 6 lb, 6oz and is 19 and 3/4 " long with lots of dark hair! Welcome little Julian to our family! I'm happy to be a Grand Aunt once again. I could go on and on telling stories of Noel. I would often pick him up from Preschool for the Blind when he was little. He came back to my house late afternoon when it was time to cook dinner. He was curious about everything and liked to explore every knob in the house. One time he almost set his hair on fire when he was playing with the knobs on the gas stove! After that I invented a game called experiencing time. I sat him on the little yellow stool, gave him a timer, turned it to one minute and challenged him to stay on the stool and experience time for one minute. He did it and was thrilled that he could stay there till the bell rang one minute later. Each day we increased the time a little till we got up to 30 minutes! He would just sit there, talk and experience time! That little guy now is a chemical engineer and has a baby of his own!

This is Papa Julian with his grandson Dylan. We are really looking forward to the visit of Kirs, Rob, Row and Dilly in May coming clear from India!

This is Julian with Rowan when she was little.

I have to say that this man is one tough cookie. He is going to radiation every day for 5 and a half weeks and going to have chemotherapy every week during that time. I'm tired just being his support. I have to say it's not easy for either of us, but it will be worth it to get rid of the cancer. I drug him "kicking and screaming" as he said to the Wellness Community. This is a free cancer support community housed in a old home on Palm Lane in Phoenix. They have support groups, exercise classes, nutrition classes and other talks on fighting cancer. Well when we walked in the the leader of the group thought that I was the patient and she praised Julian for coming along to support me! She did say that she thought that I must be in recovery so that made me feel a little better. Needless to say, he is doing pretty well and so far is tolerating the treatments well. They give him all kinds of IV meds before the chemo to prevent side effects (a steroid, antinausea medication, benadryl, extra fluids etc) and he has 3 - 4 different anti nausea meds to take at home. Julian says, "I'm still vertical and above room temperature"!
1 comment:
Carol, I just heard about the wellness center when I talked to Jennifer Sharkey a few weeks ago. She goes there too. Perhaps you will run into her there someday! Hugs to Jules. We pray for him all the time and my Sunday school class prays for him every week. Love you guys!
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