Stella Guns the all Star!
This is Star (in front hauling ass) in the regional Roller Derby game in Las Vegas. She has been having a lot of fun and she can go like fire from a gun, thus her name Stella Guns. The Utah team won! Congrats Star!

Diane and Bill came to visit this past week. This picture is Diane's reward for feeding me sand cakes when I was a little tyke!

Mom, Diane, Faye and I, sisters, moms, grandmothers, aunts, daughters some of our many hats, all having fun

Faye and baby bun!

We also enjoyed a surprise visit from Sean a couple weeks ago. His knock on Grandma's door was the first she knew he was in town. We had dinners and he did various things around Mom's house. He made her a roll out trash can in the kitchen, fixed something in the shower and most important fixed her bike! She said, Sean, you don't need to do that. Sean said, Grandma, I have to you used to ride me in the basket to the library! When Sean got older he would ride Faye and then Ryan around in the bike. This bike has a lot of history

Jules is finished with his first round of chemo. He got his pump off the other day. It seems to be helping. He can eat apples and grapes again! He will have another round of chemo in a couple weeks. However, we have to see Dr. McBride Monday who wants to discuss radiation. We are leary at this point. We are thinking that he should do 2 rounds of chemo and see how it is responding to that. We will go and see what Dr. McBride has to say. The chemo wasn't fun, but it was OK. The nausea was well controlled with anti nausea meds. At home we are concentrating on diet, eating foods that are shown to be cancer fighters. We are going to start growing broccoli and red clover sprouts and eating other fruits and veggies, etc that show promise. We are talking a lot and continue trying to figure out the best course of action.