We got the results of the final test, the esophageal ultra sound. It showed cancer in the stomach also. It is a type that doesn't show up well on PET scans. The tumor in the lower esophagus is through most of the layers. This was definitely disappointing, however, Dr. Kukunoor thinks there is a good chance that chemo will be able to tackle the stomach cancer. He had a port put in his chest last Friday. This is a button under the skin with a permanent line going into a vein allowing easy access for administration of chemo. Julian jokes that he will be able to hook a keg up to it!
We go for a chemo class this afternoon at the doctor's office where we will go tomorrow for the first chemo session. Larry says that the class is to teach you how the throw up with dignity! We both thought that was funny in a truthful way.
We have been living out lives in and among all this medical stuff. I've been going to work when we don't have to be at doctor's or hospitals and the kids cheer me up immensely. Just everyday things and great. We went out to dinner with our good friends the Burrs on Thursday and Jules found something he could eat (he had crab cakes), then we went back to our house and had apple blossoms with ice cream.

Saturday afternoon Mom, Jules and I went to see the wildflowers at south mountains. We've had a lot of rain this winter and the Calif poppies and lupine were beautiful.

1 comment:
Great photos Carol! I especially loved the one of Mom. We love you both so much.
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