Well we are in this for the long haul. Jules has esophageal cancer and fighting that will be our life for awhile. If I can suggest one thing at the start, you all should go right down to your doctor and talk about your indigestion and acid reflux. Insist that they look at both ends.
When you get that dreaded colonoscopy insist that they also do a upper endoscopy- in medical terms (esophagogastroduodenoscopy, EGD). This has been a tough pill to swallow. In fact I'm amazed that he has been able to swallow at all because the bottom inch of his esophagus is finger size because of the tumor. We go together to his primary care doctor tomorrow afternoon to start planning our attack and asking questions. Next Tuesday is a CT scan and PET scan. I think they will tell us the stage and see if it has spread. Then we see an oncologist.
A blessing from the biopsy is that it is not melenoma (which he had a removed from his back 10 years ago). We are very thankful for that.

This is Jules holding on as best he can, struggling to eat, but determined.

These are all our friends and family gathering around to support us.
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