These pictures were taken last time we were in Flagstaff. I think there is at least 2 feet of snow there now! I've had the last 2 days off and it has been great, time for a little cooking, baking, partying, bird watching, relaxing, reading and shopping. Thank heavens very little shopping because parking is crazy out there. We saw the movie Julie, Julia last night and it is so, so funny! So, if you haven't seen it, go check it out as it is now in the video stores. It's about Julia Child and a woman Julia who decided to cook every recipe in her book 524 or so in 365 days and blogs about it. Two true stories put together. I think I would like to read the book.

Bare aspen tree against a blue Flagstaff sky. I love taking pictures looking straight up at trees. I think I'll put a bunch together on a blog one of these days.

Kids sledding with the greatest view of the Flagstaff area. I bet they didn't even look at the view, probably lost in the sledding experience. Isn't it wonderful being lost in the moment, enjoying yourself so, so much that you are not aware of anything else. Those are little miracles I think. I try to remember those moments sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I think that we remember more when more senses are involved. I wonder if any studies have been done on memory and senses?

Clouds tend to come and go very quickly in the high country. The whole sky can be clear and a half hour later the whole sky can be cloudy. There are often clouds hanging out over the peaks even on sunny days like you see in this picture.

This was a snowy day and the sky looks snow gray. This was taken when we walked around the golf course after snow. There was a few inches of fresh snow on the ground, still easy to walk around the golf cart path.

Merry Christmas to you all if I don't write again before Christmas!
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