Being born and raised in the desert, this little Costa's Hummingbird and I just have to get out and play when it rains. His feathers are all puffed up, but he is lovin the rain just like me!

We got 3/4" rain so far today and it is supposed to continue. My rain barrel fills up so fast! We even have a flood warning. That basically means, don't try to cross a normally dry wash because you and your car might float away. It's amazing how many people think they can make it across and end up having to be rescued. They think 4 wheel drive will get them through the deepest water or snow or they just think the water is not that deep or swift or they have an illusion that their car has a higher clearance than it really does. I actually don't know what they think, "here's your sign!" One time we were driving home from Flagstaff and it was snowing really hard. We were going really slow right behind a snow plow (that is pretty slow). A SUV comes up behind us and passes us and the snow plow going pretty fast. Next thing we know the car has flipped 360 degrees, actually landing on the wheels, but pointing the opposite direction. Both driver and passenger got out safely. Talk about a wild ride, but I don't think I would want to try it.

The Costa's Hummingbird sitting on a sunflower stalk, stretching it's wings.

Ready for take off

Hummingbirds always have dry twigs that they like to sit on to rest between nectar or bug runs.

This is a favorite perch in the orange tree

Same perch, same hummer from different direction.

Another perch in the sunflowers. I think he is peeing!

Enjoying free nectar. If the feeder runs out, they will come up to the window and scold me till I put more food out.

I looked at this hummingbird and thought, "I think that is a Rufus. I wasn't sure, so I'm glad I got pictures. We see Rufus hummingbirds in Flagstaff every summer. They come like clockwork on July 1st. However, I've never seen Rufus in Phoenix till now. This is definitely a female Rufus! I was so excited. I'm not sure if she just stopped by while migrating, or if she will stay for awhile.
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