Romey is 20 months and very cute. She is very busy. She walks around moving toys, following Merlin, drilling him with the toy drill, picking up the tool suitcase and her keys heading for the front door saying "by, by", chattering non stop in sentences (you can understand 1-2 words per sentence), picking up her keys getting on the car to go for a drive (she moves mostly backward), pushing the dishwasher buttons, walks up to someone reaches her arms up and says "up", talking on the phone, putting toys in the barn silo with the bear on top so he has a good view, playing the piano, dancing to the music, pushing the buttons on the radio/CD player, walking around the house to find Merlin, etc, etc, etc.

Kelsea and Philip (photo by Niko)

Card game "Hell" (photo by Niko)

Kelsea and Philip (photo by Niko)

Niko the photographer and piano man and Romey (photo by Nathan)

Romey with keys, going for a ride in the car

Beautiful Kelsea!

Uncle Julian and Romey, she touches her beard and laughs.

Romey and Merlin

Grandma and Romey during a rest break.
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