This is the big mouth Merlin. How's that for a cat? We are still in the process of moving Julian's office home. He went to work today and found that Quest had turned off his internet, though they were just supposed to disconnect the land line phone. So, we moved his computer home and spent all day getting his computer connected up to the web. Buy a wireless router by me who doesn't know the difference between a router and a motem. Having to call the company and getting a man in India, very nice. He got me back on the web through the new router. When we realized that Julian didn't have a wireless card in his computer, the nice Indian man suggested we get our computer man to come over and install a card. Having heard stories from Kirsten, I know he thinks that we can just call and he will come. They are shocked that we clean our own houses, do our own laundry, etc. They always call people to do whatever needs to be done. probably wiser than spending a whole day struggling with something we don't know anything about. Anyway by 5:30 we had the wireless going, the problem I'm having now is that it keeps kicking me off. The biggest problem for Jules is that he realized that he cannot keep his same e-mail. After agonizing and griefing for several hours and making several calls to see if there is any way he can keep his same e-mail, it came apparent that he cannot. He finally sat on the couch and surprised the hell out of me when he said, "I think that this will be a blessing. I will have to e-mail all my clients and they will realize that I am still around." As he would say,"you just Ayrauded them." Meaning finding good out of a bad situation, making lemonaid out of lemons. This is actually something we all learned from my Mom. Thanks Mom!

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