Rowan says, “I have an ID my Dad gave me to clip on my shirt, because I’m Super Pilot.” This is Rowan flying through the air, tipping one wing. When Rowan says or does something that surprises us, we say, "Rowan, were did you learn that?" Rowan always says, "My Daddy taught me."

Dilly and Rowan in the "Big Boy Bed" He has graduated to sleeping with Rowan, except nap time when it is back into the crib. We went in last night to check on them. They had switched places, Dilly was sideways on the bed with his feet hanging off the edge, Rowan was like a wiggle worm.

Good night kiss in the Big Boy Bed.

Little Grandma, I and Rowan went to Goodwill yesterday on 50% off Saturday. We got these great dress up costumes for them. Dilly is some kind of dracula sponge Bob square pants. He wouldn't take this off for over 2 hours. This is Phoenix in early October. Our temperatures have dropped to the high 90's. We are in heaven, no 3 digit temperatures. However, it was still a little hot for this winter sleeper, but Dilly loves it. Rowan choose a pink tu-tu with a Chinese top. Very fetching don't ya think. Papa was asking Dilly to say “tray” (which he said yesterday). Dilly just looks at him with his serious expression. I said, “its too much like a performance. Dilly doesn’t always perform.” Rowan says, “Well I do!”

Little Grandma says, Grapes have been so good this year, I wonder where they came from? Rowan looks up at her, and says, “They come from the store!” With the look on her face as if to say, " Little Grandma I am shocked that you don’t know that!"
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