Rowan in a dirndl and Dilly in lederhosen at Oktoberfest. These were Kirsten's when she was little, brought straight from Germany by her Grandma and Grandpa (who bought the dirndl all by himself). Everybody called them little Hansel and Gretel and oohed and aahed over them. One couple came up and asked if the outfits are "vintage". Kirsten got a puzzled look and said, "well I never thought about it like that, but I guess they are."
There was a Alpin Horn blowing contest. Rowan and Dilly very patiently waited in line with all the older kids. Some of the kids could blow it, some couldn't. Rowan was the first little kid. She got up to the horn, blew and out came the loudest honking sound you can imagine. Everybody clapped and were surprised that such a little body could create such a loud noise. Afterwards she said, "the man just told me to put my lips on it and blow!" It was the definate highlight of the party for all of us!
Below, Rowan celebrating her successful horn blowing!
More celebration dancesAnd the dynamic duo walks off into the sunset!
Never knew that Merlin loves Cinderella so much! They are both engrossed in the magical tale.
Merlin the guardian and protector! He was really trying to lie down next to Dilly, but couldn't fit all 17+ pounds on the same section of the couch. On to other things. Dilly is saying more and more words and is even putting 2 words together fairly often. We were talking to Star on the phone, he said , "Star" and "Stella Guns" (which is Stars roller derby name). He learns from Rowan who tends to talk or sing nonstop all day. He usually repeats right after her. The weather has turned beautiful. It is actually fall in Phoenix. We can leave our windows open. It cools down at night and there is a mild chill in the air in the morning. We are loving it.