I've been playing the piano, mostly hymns because I miss singing in the choir so, so much. I have put chords to all my favorite hymns, so that I can chord the bass in a variety of ways so they are not just the boring 4 part harmony of the hymn book. Many of them I have looked up Bible verses to go with the words, so that it ends up being my own little service and worship. I thank God every day for all the blessings and know that our country and world will come out of this both pandemic and racial demonstrations better, stronger and healthier. This hymn, Great is thy Faithfulness really uplifts me.
Great is thy faithfulness oh God my father, there is no shadow of turning with thee. Thou changest not thy compassion it fails not. As thou has been thou forever will be. (James 1:17)
Great is thy faithfulness! Great is thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needed thy hand hath provided. Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me! (Lamentations 3:22-23)
Summer and winter and spring time and harvest, sun, moon and stars in their courses above join with all nature in manifold witness to thy great faithfulness, mercy and love. (Genesis 8:22)
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth, thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide; strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!
These promises are amazing in this time as we certainly need strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. Thank you Lord for being with us and giving us just what you know we need to get through hard times.
One of my favorite lunches, peanut butter, bacon and tomato (from the garden) sandwich and milk |
My birthday was fun even though I didn't go anywhere. I talked to many people on the phone: Diane & Bill, Jacki, Elisa, Star, Kirsten, Janice and Terry. Faye and Jules visited and brought me some goodies. Mom surprised me by riding her bike down to hand deliver a card and money, Ryan hand delivered a card and Gary brought flowers, finished the new garbage disposal and put a brand new sun visor in my 2nd car (actually Mom's old car). I received cards from Janice, Mom, Ryan, Faye , Jav & Jules, Elisa, Kathy, Diane & Bill, Mary and Church. I was blessed with Happy Birthday greetings on Facebook from more people than I can count and I spent most of the day visiting, on the phone or responding to each and every Facebook greeting. It was great fun! I am so blessed
Mom on her bike |
Flowers from Gary |
Chocolate Croissants! |
Jules crocheted this scarf for me, beautiful! |
Making Bob's Very Cherry 3 Berry Jam with cherries, strawberries, blackberries and blueberries. Jum, so rich in fruit flavor and declicious!
Below I canned cinnamon apples. I'm trying to figure out different ways to use Mom's huge apple crop. Some of them have a pink tinge but mostly the birds get them if we leave them long enough to turn pink. Best crop ever for her apple tree. However, sadly one big branch broke from weight of all the apples a couple weeks ago.
Giant Swallowtail Butterfly hanging out under the peach trees, note the yellow body! |
This cactus bloomed for the first time. I'm not even sure what it's name is |
Gary and I went to the book signing for Martha McSally's book, "Dare to
Fly; Simple Lessons in Never Giving up". She has been working on it for
10 years and she says it's not political. I've just started reading
it. It was in at Scottsdale airport with staggered times for social
distancing. I was impressed at her off the cuff speech. She is
conservative through and through and so committed to the USA. She is
also very nice. She has my vote!