Chris kindly volunteered her lovely home for our tea |
Mary and Rita at the ticket table |
Front of home before start of tea |
Silent Auction |
Part of raffle table |
Alex, Chris, a friend and Helen |
We served sausage rolls, scones and fruit with the tea |
My Mom joined the Daughters of the British Empire in 1946 after she arrived in Phoenix from Brisbane Australia after WW2. She states that it kept many a marriage together as the War Brides shared the joys and struggles of being in a new country away from their family. She has been active for over 70 years. I joined after I retired, but have helped for many a year before that. The DBE was always a part of my childhood. We are a 501c3 organization and we have one big fundraiser each year. All profits go to the British Home and a local charity of our choice. We cleared $1959 on this garden tea! We have about 12 members and many volunteers who help at the tea (15 volunteered this year)
Carol talks to volunteers Sofie and Millie |
Guests enjoy tea in lovely garden |
Carol shows off Yard Art donated by Elisa Lawrence |
Volunteer Ryan, Coral (center) and guests at goodie table |
Guests enjoying tea looking back towards tea service |
Baking scones at Cindy's: plain, orange, lemon zest, cranberry orange, blueberry
Scone baking happens before the tea. L to R are Mary, CarolR, Helen, Denise, Coral Cindy and Maureen |
We made 30 dozen |
Happy Bakers! |