Thursday, August 23, 2018

Fun and Games, British DBE, Knitting group, Raised bed garden

Mom and Daphine at Los Cedros Arabian stables
Daphine Gawin, Freda Coleman and Mom at Daughter's of the British Empire ACM.  They are all WW2 War Brides

Daphine and Mum with Queen Elizabeth at the English Rose Tea Room

 Baby Prayer Shawl Knitting group at FUMC is busy

We are now knitting hats and scarves for the Navajo people cause it gets very cold up there.  We are knitting hats for children with cancer at PCH, baby blankets and hats for baptisms and the newborn classes at the weekday school.  We started meeting for 2 hours in the afternoon, so we can get more done, visit and have afternoon tea!

My New Raised Bed Garden, 5 feet x 16 feet made by Javier - Thanks!


Notice the mosaic stepping stone, I have 4 different ones in garden 


The minute it got hot I covered it with shade screen
Some of my produce from Carol's Garden, winter & early spring
Tomato plants and lettuce going to seed
I had beautiful tomatoes all spring and summer, ate them, canned them and gave them away

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

DBE Garden Tea, Oct 28, 2017

Chris kindly volunteered her lovely home for our tea
Mary and Rita at the ticket table

Front of home before start of tea

Silent Auction
Part of raffle table

Alex, Chris, a friend and Helen
We served sausage rolls, scones and fruit with the tea

  My Mom joined the Daughters of the British Empire in 1946 after she arrived in Phoenix from Brisbane Australia after WW2.  She states that it kept many a marriage together as the War Brides shared the joys and struggles of being in a new country away from their family.  She has been active for over 70 years.  I joined after I retired, but have helped for many a year before that.  The DBE was always a part of my childhood.  We are a 501c3 organization and we have one big fundraiser each year.  All profits go to the British Home and a local charity of our choice.  We cleared $1959 on this garden tea!  We have about 12 members and many volunteers who help at the tea (15 volunteered this year)
Carol talks to volunteers Sofie and Millie
Guests enjoy tea in lovely garden

Carol shows off Yard Art donated by Elisa Lawrence
Volunteer Ryan, Coral (center) and guests at goodie table

Guests enjoying tea looking back towards tea service

 Baking scones at Cindy's: plain, orange, lemon zest, cranberry orange, blueberry

Scone baking happens before the tea.  L to R are Mary, CarolR, Helen, Denise, Coral Cindy and Maureen

We made 30 dozen

Happy Bakers!