Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day in the life of Nana and Jules

1/25/13  Here are some of the touching and funny things that happened today with Jules.  Jules and I went to story time at the library today.  Before we went I insisted that she try to go to the bathroom.  She had been avoiding it all morning.  She looked at me and must have saw frustration in my face, because got tears in her eyes and said, “I’m sorry Nana.  I’m sorry Nana, but I don’t want to go potty.  I explained that we all have to at least try before we get into the car because we can’t stop when we are driving.  She went, provided she could hold onto me (because she doesn’t have her potty seat).  She went and was very proud.  We checked some books out at the library.  One of them is “One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish” by Dr. Seuss.  We were reading it after lunch. One of the pages says, “Yes, Some are red. And some are blue.  Some are old.  And some are new.  Some are sad (picture shows a very sad looking fish) and some are glad (picture shows a happy fish).  And some are very, very bad (shows a big fish pushing little fish).  Why are they sad and glad and bad?  I do not know.  Go ask your dad.  Well she pointed to the sad fish, tears started flowing and she began sobbing.  Sometimes she is very emotional and can be very in tune with others feelings.  Sound like anybody you know?   I just held her and asked her if she felt sad.  She said yes, that she missed her family.  We talked about that a little, the boys are at the dentist, Dad is at work and Mommy will be here after her nap to pick her up.  We talked about all the other people who are part of our family too.  Well,  then we gathered up BooBear and I picked her up, saying, “lets go find Special Blanket”.  We searched everywhere in the house.  I remembered seeing it in the kitchen earlier and I remembered hearing noises in the pots and pans draws while I was eating my lunch. I put 2 and 2 together, annnnnnnd opened the bottom draw, nothing.  I opened the top draw, and there was “Special Blanket”!  Jules thought it was a great joke and was laughing.  She went happily down for her nap.  
I will come back and post about the MacIntyres coming to run in the Rock and Roll Marathon.  Great times were had by all.  Till then, Carol