Today was a good day. We had Jules all day and my childhood girlfriend Janice and her husband Dave visited us from Tennessee. I showed her the irrigation ditch by our house because it really reminds me of South Phoenix when we were growing up. There were open irrigation ditches with cottonwood trees just like this little area by our canal here. We walked on the canal bank remembering how often we walked and rode the horse and donkey along the canal when we were kids sometimes riding into the canal even though we weren't allowed to. This is a picture of our donkey Henry. Dad brought him home in the back of the car one day. He opened up the door, and lifted him out. Henry was little enough that Dad wrapped his arms around all 4 legs and carried him out of the car to his new home, our south Phoenix ranch. Jan and Dave are bike riders and are interested in all our bike trails in Phoenix (500 miles of bike paths). Julian felt really good and walked with us. We put Jules in the stroller and she loved it also. We stopped by Mom's house on our way home, visited her and then we all went back to our house and had lunch. We had egg salad sandwiches with lettuce etc and watermelon. It was a great time and a good day. Jules connected with Merlin today. She was on the couch and Merlin was sitting on the couch back purring to beat the band. I said, "Jules listen to Merlin purring" and held her close to him. She then spent a long time squealing with glee, getting real close to his face as Merlin leaned in as if to give her a kiss. She would grab his fur and Merlin didn't bat an eye, just kept purring.