Baby Jules was born on July 15 2010 at 7:06 in the morning. She weighed in at 6 lb 7 oz and was 20 and 1/2 inches long. Poetry in motion, personality plus, cute as a button! Just look at how beautiful she is!
Faye and Jules taking a very needed rest.
Nathan, Niko and Maceo getting to know their little sister.
Papa Jules meeting baby Jules
Uncle Ryan visits. I know he held her after we left however, I will have to get that picture later.
Just look at that cute little face
My sister, Jacki was visiting for a week and we were hoping that Jules would be born while she was here. Well sometimes hopes and wishes come true because she decided to come into the world a week early. It was great having Jacki here she got to see Faye while she was still pregnant and get to see Jules shortly after birth!
Taking a well earned nap
Great Grandma Coral meets Jules. Jules was born on the day after my Mom's birthday. Faye went into labor on Mom's birthday!
Four generations
I was so blessed to be there for labor and delivery. These pictures are actually backwards in time. The last were soon after birth. They were all taken on her birthday or the next day.
Faye and Javier
The first picture of Mom, Dad and baby Jules together
She has long fingers and toes
Grandpa Nick holding Jules. She was so alert for the first couple hours after birth, so she got to meet all of her Grandparents and Great Grandma while still awake and looking around.
Nana and Tata Gonzalez meet their new granddaughter.
This was taken minutes after her birth
Faye did an amazing job of labor and delivery. She was so brave and athletic. After she was 10 cm dilated and the doctor had arrived, Faye pushed through 5 or 6 contractions and Julianna was born! Jules had her eyes open when she was only part way out. It really reminded me of Faye's birth because Faye also had her eyes opened and was looking around during birth!
Love at first sight!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Kelly visits
Kelly and Dean visited us in Arizona the week of June 23. Kelly is Julian's daughter who lived in Atlanta. We really, really enjoyed their visit. Jules was feeling pretty well so we were able to do stuff! We took them up to Flagstaff. We hadn't been up there since the cancer diagnosis, so it was great! Mostly just spending time with them and visiting was priceless. The thing about cancer is that it certainly increases your appreciation of friends and loved ones and opens your heart to each little joyful moment in each day. This picture was taken in Oak Creek Canyon at our favorite lunch stop, Indian Gardens. They have a pretty little garden out back that makes you sit back, sigh with contentment and relax.
Kelly and Dean with the red rocks of Sedona in the background. Now you have to have a parking permit to stop anywhere along the roads or parking lots in Oak Creek or Sedona. We stopped to find about a year ago to find about them as we often drive through Oak Creek to or from Flagstaff. Since Jules has a Golden Age "geezer" card, all we have to do is show that and we are home free! At much the same time they started building round-abouts in Sedona. They didn't just put in a few, they probably put in 15 or more in Sedona and on the highway between Sedona and the Black Canyon Freeway!
Red Rocks of Sedona
Kelly and Dean outside Northern Arizona Museum. Kelly celebrated being cancer free (breast) for 5 years and she took her last pill with great happiness on the Saturday she was with us. 5 years cancer free! What a celebration!
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
An eternity in an hour. By Blake (I think).
Kelly and her Dad
This was the Schultz wildfire. You can see how far up the peaks it got! They had almost 1000 firefighters (986 I think) fighting it at it's peak. I don't think it burned our favorite aspen grove of which I've put many pictures on this site over the past year or so. I'm not for sure as it was definitely in that area. We will have to check it out next time we're up there.
Kelly and Dean with the red rocks of Sedona in the background. Now you have to have a parking permit to stop anywhere along the roads or parking lots in Oak Creek or Sedona. We stopped to find about a year ago to find about them as we often drive through Oak Creek to or from Flagstaff. Since Jules has a Golden Age "geezer" card, all we have to do is show that and we are home free! At much the same time they started building round-abouts in Sedona. They didn't just put in a few, they probably put in 15 or more in Sedona and on the highway between Sedona and the Black Canyon Freeway!
Red Rocks of Sedona
Kelly and Dean outside Northern Arizona Museum. Kelly celebrated being cancer free (breast) for 5 years and she took her last pill with great happiness on the Saturday she was with us. 5 years cancer free! What a celebration!
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
An eternity in an hour. By Blake (I think).
Kelly and her Dad
This was the Schultz wildfire. You can see how far up the peaks it got! They had almost 1000 firefighters (986 I think) fighting it at it's peak. I don't think it burned our favorite aspen grove of which I've put many pictures on this site over the past year or so. I'm not for sure as it was definitely in that area. We will have to check it out next time we're up there.
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